Wednesday, September 17, 2008

He's here!

Introducing Ian Theodore Koontz!

Born August 19th at 5:23pm
weighing 8 lbs, 4 oz
and measuring 21.5 inches

I was a bit tired - and still am!
I will write more about his birth
when I get a chance!

Friday, August 08, 2008

August 5th Ultrasound

Well, not much news. The placenta has only moved to 1.8 cm away from the cervix. The funny part is that technically it would be best "at least" 2 cm away.
No cool pictures; I didn't get my favorite ultrasound tech, Barb.... And the baby was not really interested in showing his face...he was faced towards my spine. He was being shy, I think. The estimated size was only 6lbs., 14 oz. but again, I have to be reminded that it's the best estimate that they can do and sometimes that's not very accurate. So that's that. So, next up the OB/GYN appointment on August 14th...

Friday, July 18, 2008

official date of leave

I have submitted paperwork for my official date of leave from work... which will be Wednesday August 27th but my last day of actual work is Friday August 22nd - since my mom is coming the next day and I'm doubting even being able to make it until the 22nd.
The other news is I talked with the midwives and they set me up with an appointment with their back up OB/GYN, Dr. Merrill on August 14th (the results from the Aug 5th ultrasound will be available) for a discuss the results, etc...
So it's just wait and see...
That's all the news for now...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The latest appointments

I will add the ultrasound pictures later but I'm at work and don't have access to them on this computer...
Quick update -- the placenta hasn't moved away from the cervix...which is kind of a bummer...
But the biggest news is HOW BIG he is -
his current estimated weight is 6 lbs. 5 oz!
And babies are supposed to gain about 1/2 pound a you can imagine that he might be a giant baby...

So I'm scheduled for yet another ultrasound in three weeks (August 5th) to check and see how his growth is and if the placenta has moved (not extremely likely but worth checking it out again).

The 3D pictures were ok - but he wasn't very cooperative this round. He had his face buried against the wall most of the time. But you can see his chubby cheeks - Barbara, my favorite ultrasound tech kept commenting how round and juicy his cheeks were! It was funny.
No decision was made - more of a "wait and see" sort of approach.

Oh, my mom made her reservations - she will be here from August 23rd until September 13th - we talked about the possibility of him coming a bit earlier than expected so it made sense for her to just be here. My dad plans on coming out for a couple weeks after that then Christyl and her son, Junah will be visiting Oct. 8th for a week! It'll be great to be able to spend time with my family and friends after he gets here....

My friend Sarah calls him "no name" baby koontz!
I still like the names Sidney, Desmond and Theodore. But everyone has opposing views (what one person likes, someone else doesn't). I will stand firm on waiting until I see him and hang out with him a bit before deciding what name he is.
Any and all suggestions are still welcome!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

yeah so the only interesting thing is my non existant ankles

I don't really have anything interesting to report.
Besides the fact that I no longer fit into any shoes;
sandals and flip flops only.
My feet are swollen sausages.
All the RN's and MD's I work with have been sure to check my blood pressure and someone suggested parsley tea.
So I made parsley tea.
And have been drinking it (a couple pint glasses a day).
But I'm still retaining water.
But at each midwifery appointment, my urine does not have protein so another ok sign. (Besides the edema, high blood pressure and protein in the urine can indicate pre-eclampsia, for those who were wondering).
At any rate, I'm doing ok. Dragging a bit more at work. I'm easily tired.
I find sleeping has been more difficult for me; I'm not sure if it's getting up three times at night to go to the bathroom or the 3 minutes it
takes me to get re-positioned when rolling over....either way, I have not been getting the best sleep....but I've been told that it's supposed to make you "ready" for when the baby is here and feeding every 2-3 hours. Grrrreat.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

glucose test results

So I just got my glucose tests back and they were NORMAL (too bad I'm not) but that was cool. The testing itself was such a pain.
I didn't eat after 9pm, which would have been fine regularly except knowing that I wasn't allowed to eat, just made it more difficult not to.
Andi and I had gotten up early to take the dogs to the park.... Then I went into Emanuel's outpatient lab for my 10am (first) blood draw. Well, needless to say their lab was packed and completely running behind so I finally got my first blood draw at 11am. Had to drink glucose (twice the amount I had to drink for the first screening) so it was super sugary and made me feel a bit nauseous, especially since that was all I had had was water for 14 hours. Getting poked four times in one day is a lot too. The lab people were cool and tried to use different veins for each draw, which was nice.
So I get back out to my car around 2:15pm and there's a ticket from security chastising me for parking in a "visitor/guest" lot with a employee sticker... Needless to report, I was feeling fairly grouchy and tired by this time so I decided to wait to call them until the next day. So, I called Emanuel's security who told me to start leaving notes in my window stating that I am a patient there today, not an employee. How frustrating and dumb - don't they know that I have pregnant brain syndrome? And if I'm in labor, don't think I'm gonna be remembering the stupid post it note for my window.... Apparently you can get "written up" for doing this too many times... But I suppose the good news of all of this is that I don't have gestational diabetes so that's one less thing to have to deal with! So, yah!
p.s. the baby is a butternut squash this week (if anyone is in the slightest bit curious to know what fruit/veggie he is compared to for this week!)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

placenta data

This information is from a program we have at work
called "Up to Date" with medical management info.
Anyway I looked up "marginal previa" or "low lying placenta" and here's what I found --

Low-lying placenta — The occurrence of cesarean delivery in relation to placental location was illustrated by a retrospective review of 121 cases of placenta previas diagnosed by transvaginal ultrasound within two weeks of delivery [27] . Cesarean delivery was performed electively or emergently in 42 of 42 women with placentas that overlapped the internal cervical os (complete previa) or reached the os (marginal previa), in 38 of 40 women with placentas 0.1 to 2.0 cm from the internal os, and in 22 of 37 women when the placental edge was 2.1 to 3.5 cm from the internal os. Emergent deliveries were performed for hemorrhage and nonhemorrhagic indications and were likely biased by knowledge of placental location. Based on these data, and other similar reports [28-31] , there appears to be a reasonable possibility of vaginal delivery without hemorrhage when the placenta is greater than 2.0 centimeters from the internal os.

So right now, as it stands, my placenta is 0.9 centimeters away.
We are hoping it moves away -- as you can see at least 2 centimeters.
I will find out in July at my next ultrasound and go from there.

As for the glucose screening stuff:
my first screening test came back slightly elevated so I now have to undertake:
Three hour oral GTT — We suggest administering a three-hour 100-g oral GTT and using the criteria proposed by the Fourth International Workshop-Conference on Gestational Diabetes, whereby GDM is present if two or more of the following serum glucose values are met or exceeded (show table 2) [25,44] :

Fasting serum glucose concentration >95 mg/dL (5.3 mmol/L)
One-hour serum glucose concentration >180 mg/dL (10 mmol/L)
Two-hour serum glucose concentration >155 mg/dL (8.6 mmol/L)
Three-hour serum glucose concentration >140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L)

But I will get this done on Monday so will know what's going on soon.

More later....